Time Travel: yes it's possible

Posted by Darwin Biler on March 10, 2012

Before you say I'm dreaming and relying on a fictional movie: no I'm not.

First, think about these facts:

(from General Theory of Relativity by Einstein)

  • Gravity  slows down time: the more gravitational pull, the slower the time will tick
  • Blackholes are massive objects in the universe which has intensively huge amount of gravitational pull -- so intense that even when you aim a flashlight near of it, the light will bend into the center of it.
  • Being having so intense in gravity, the time will gradually slowdown and eventually stop in the center of it

Given those facts. That means, if the gravitational pull is stronger in the place where I'm at right now than the place you are standing at, your clock is faster than my clock.

One second of you is equivalent to 2 seconds of me.

You are right, If I can slow my time enough ( by going to a place with so intense gravity) and let your clock tick away ( while mine is slower) then RESUME my time from normal ticking, you are already in the future!

Do you get the logic?
Cool isn't it?

Wait, before you build your time-machine right now, hold on : currently, there is no way to go to such place ( enter in the center of the blackhole) because if you do that, you'll get ripped apart before you could even get there. Since on the process of falling into it, the speed will reach the speed of light and lots of strange things happens: I could not get back, its a one-way street.

Don't worry, there is another way: Wormholes

Wormholes are holes in the space, actually they are more of a tunnel that bridges two places. The concept came in when Einstein proposed the fabric of space: It says that the universe is like a cloth ( can be folded, twisted and bent).

So let's say, there is a big cloth of the size of basketball court. You are standing on the edge of the court and it takes you 30 seconds to walk to the other side of the court. Instead of walking to the basketball court, according to Einstein, you could actually fold the basketball court (reducing its width) and put a hole to a place where you are standing at -- and hola! you are in the other edge of the court!

Same could apply in the universe said Einstein, instead of traveling, you could just actually bend the universe and let the universe do the moving for you!

Hey, wait. when you fold the basketball court, yeah the time needed to travel from one side of the court to the other is reduced from 30 seconds to 0 seconds - but it had saved me only the distance I traveled but not the time, how about travelling the time?

Ok, this is the tricky part: Spacetime theory by Einstein suggests that the fabric on which the universe is made of is represented by 4 dimensions.

x = horizontal position
y = vertical position
z = nearness or farness
time = what time you are at when you are in that particular position

It's like, positions are always associated with time. When you are in your house example, your position (x,y,z values)can be accurately determined via GPS device, then add the time you were at that place, 8am for example.

What that indicates is, if you could bend the x,y,z positions (like what you did when you fold the basketball court earlier) and time is just another dimension, then you could also bend the time!

I know it's quite hard to grasp it, but do think about it a little more.

I recommend reading this article to at least brighten things up a bit


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