Android Developer Signup in Google Play Problem

Posted by Darwin Biler on March 22, 2012

Android Market which is now the Google Play is been on a very serious problems on processing the registration of new developers of Android,

First, the fact that they will collect you $25 one-time registration fee is where the story started.
The problem arises due to the fact that Google is trying to lockout all Android devs to use Google Wallet as a mean of payment processing from registration down to app billing.

so now, you filled up the form, and ready to check out using the "Google Checkout" (a.k.a "scam")
an email will be sent, saying your they start processing the order
you will receive and email stating that your payment is cancelled, indicating there is no "charge" in your card
you check your card "wtf, they charged me"
now you ask for your refund.
unfortunately -- you been a victim of a scam, and you have no way to retrieve the payment
you ended up: Google Play account suspended, Google Wallet Suspended, Had your $25 money stolen

beware of this thing, the reason i see why google is locking Google wallet is because of this:

Google Wallet is compromised and they are locking it all out, Nice job Google, Apple is very happy about this
because they will surely get a new set of developers coming along the way: all were frustrated of Google Play scam

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